We have helped reunite many family members using Other Family Type Visas. These sorts of visas include;

  • Parent Visas;
  • Child Visas;
  • Last Remaining Relative Visas;
  • Aged Dependent Relative Visas;
  • New Zealand Citizen Family Relationship Visas; and
  • Carer Visas. 

This visa is suitable for individuals who are members of the family unit (spouses, de-facto partners, children under 18 and up to 23 in certain circumstances) of a 444 Visa Holder (issued to New Zealand citizens upon arrival in Australia). The 461 visa is a temporary visa granted for five years.

These visa applications are similar to Partner Visas and Child Visas. In that respect we suggest that you consult with a migration agent to establish eligibility and assess whether you will meet the evidentiary requirements. 

There are a number of Parent Type Visas including: 

  • Contributory Parent (Temporary) Visa (Subclass 173);
  • Contributory Parent Visa (Subclass 143);
  • Parent Visa (Subclass 103);
  • Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary) Visa (Subclass 884);
  • Contributory Aged Parent Visa (Subclass 864);
  • Aged Parent Visa (Subclass 804); and
  • Sponsored Parent (Temporary) Visa (Subclass 870). 

Australia’s system of Parent Style Visas are split between ‘contributory’ and ‘non-contributory’ visas. Contributory Parent Visas cost in excess of $40,000 per parent and can take around four to five years to process. Non-contributory visas are much cheaper but can take up to 30 years to process.

When deciding which Parent Visa to apply for, there are important items to consider such as access to Medicare or whether private health insurance will be necessary and whether your parents can access a Bridging Visa to let them remain in Australia whilst the Parent Visa is processing. Contributory visas can also be split into two separate processing stages to break up the funds required to sponsor parents, but will result in longer processing times and increased overall costs.

Special rules regarding sponsorship may be applicable to your circumstances, including that you are usually settled in Australia. You will also need to show that you meet the balance of family test i.e. (50% or more of the parents children are Australian Citizens/Permanent Residents). 

We strongly suggest that you book a consultation to discuss your options. It is important that you pick the correct visa as certain Parent Visas can have waiting times of up to 30 years and may not be suitable for your circumstances.

Australia has a system of onshore and offshore Child Visas including the;

  • Child Visa (Subclass 802) (Offshore); 
  • Child Visa (Subclass 101)(Offshore); 
  • Adoption Visa (Subclass 102); 
  • Orphan Relative Visa (Subclass 117) (Offshore); and
  • Orphan Relative Visa (Subclass 837). 

These visas are suitable for children born to Permanent Residents outside of Australia, those that have adopted children whilst living outside Australia and those that did not include their children on their original Permanent Residency application.

Under the legislation the definition of child can include not only biological children but also adoptive children and step-children. Children over 18 and up to 25 years of age can be considered for Child Visas where they are financially dependent on their parent and are engaged in full-time study.

All children over 18 years of age and who have a serious or debilitating disability that necessitates complete dependence on their parent are eligible for Child Visas irrespective of age.

Australia also allows individuals to sponsor close relative children who have been orphaned in their home country or are otherwise unable to locate their parents.

Fair Go Visa Consultants have experience in preparing and lodging applications for many types of child visas including complex adoption cases and children with disabilities over the age of 18. We strongly suggest seeking advice prior to lodging a Child Visa or engaging a migration agent to assist you, as there are a number of complicated visa criteria and eligibility should be verified prior to lodging any application.

These visas include the following subclasses: 

  • Remaining Relative Visa (Subclass 115)(Offshore);
  • Remaining Relative Visa (Subclass 835)(Onshore); 
  • Aged Dependent Relative Visa (Subclass 114) (Offshore); and 
  • Aged Dependent Relative Visa (Subclass 838) (Onshore). 

These visas are suitable where there is one remaining family member that has not obtained Permanent Residency or Citizenship. Remaining Relative Visas are capped and queued, meaning only a certain number of people can be granted visas each year and there is an extremely long processing period before these visas are granted. Please seek advice prior to lodging this sort of application as there may be other migration pathways available. 

Aged Dependent Relative Visas are available for relatives aged 65 and above who are entirely financially dependent on you. Please see an migration agent to book a discussion regarding eligibility for this visa as they are capped and queued and can have processing times of up to 30 years.

Australia maintains onshore and offshore Carer Visas to allow family members to care for Australian Citizens or Permanent Residents with ongoing medical or care needs. These visas involve an initial health assessment through BUPA.

You will need to satisfy the Department that you are unable to locate care or community services in Australia that adequately meet the needs of the person who requires care. If you are looking at bringing a family member from overseas to provide care to yourself or another family member, you should book a consultation with a migration agent to understand the process and the evidence you will need to satisfy the Department of Home Affairs regarding your carer relationship.

We can assist you with Other Family Visas by:

  •         Providing you with detailed advice regarding eligibility; 
  •         Advise on the the applicable stream or subclass that applies to the circumstances;
  •         Discuss any complications, highlighting any risks and strategies that can be used to overcome these risks;
  •         Provide detailed document checklists to ensure the best evidence is used to support any application; 
  •         Draft all required forms on your behalf, assist in applying for police checks and health checks; 
  •         Provide a detailed plan to meet long-term migration goals, all the way to Permanent Residency and Citizenship (where possible); and
  •         Assist you from preparing the visa, all the way to a decision being made on your application. 


Applying for a visa can be confusing but we are here to help. Now that you have a basic understanding of how this visa works, book in a consultation so that we can discuss how we can help you start your new life in Australia. 




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