Revocation of Visa Cancellation

Revocation of Visa Cancellation

Cancellation Revoked - 10 January 2022

Visa Cancellation Revoked!

Great news for our client yesterday. When she approached our agency, she was initially informed by her school that there were issues in locating her visa when trying to re-enrol from offshore. She engaged us to work out what was going on. With a few well-placed emails we were able to work out that the Department had cancelled our clients’ visa. This occurred unlawfully as she was not notified of the cancellation.

By establishing improper notification we were able to have the time period to respond to the cancellation reinstated and quickly brought together submissions and evidence to address the cancellation decision. Our client will now be able to make her chartered flight for the 15th and will arrive in Australia to complete the course and work towards her dreams. Wishing her the best ahead.

If you think you need our help reach out by emailing [email protected] or calling us on 0481 008 474. Our Registered Migration Agents (RMAs) will be ready to help!

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How We Can Help

These are just a few of the issues that our Registered Migration Agents can assist with: 

  • Identifying proper precedure has been followed. 
  • Discussing your options and risks. 
  • Making submissions to the Department. 

Our Registered Migration Agents can analyse your circumstances, identify any areas of risk and discuss the most appropriate strategy to meet your goals. They can also assist you in many different ways. For example full representation from preparation to decision, to just a consultation on a specific point of concern or a review before lodgement for peace of mind.




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